Monday, April 29, 2013

Lack of sleep may harm sperm - Health - Men's health | NBC News

Lack of sleep may harm sperm - Health - Men's health | NBC News

The link posted from NBCNEWS.COM/MEN'S HEALTH

Toney Atkins comments: My sperm keep waking me up, singing, "Our lights are on but nobody's home."  "Use 'em or lose 'em," I heard one screech the other night. I try to convince them that lack of sleep may hurt the little buggers. Then I hear, from the innermost reaches of my scrotum, "Do it, do it, do it till you're satsified." I appreciate my sperms' efforts to tune up my beats underneath the sheets, to cajole my ego into going "Down to Love Town" for some "Action" and to not stop until I get enough. But, with my age entering the bracket of "golden years" and my mind still somewhere between 18 and 60, the fire is going out in the furnace. My sperm buddies keep multiplying and are always enthusiastic to get out into the world, even when I'm sleeping. I have been asexual (look it up) for years, and they get very unhappy with me. But I need the sleep that I didn't get in my younger party days, and I'm determined to get it as many good sleeps as I can, because the sperm can excercise more, swim around, eat the right foods (whatever they eat). Because when I wake up, all rested and raring to go, those suckers will be jazzed up because they're finally getting out of the house. I've promised a volcanic explosion to send them out of the house as expert swimmers,ready to party and do their thing. And do that thing well, I believe with all my heart that my deep sleeps have given them the energy to do what they do best when they leave training camp. Make a mark, they will, and there will be satisaction, I guarantee it. Lack of sleep may harm sperm? You shouldn't do that, fellows. Read the story at the link to find out how to get the best from your guys when party time rolls around again. Rest easy, and sleep.

Postscript, written the day after: Please forgive me for this juvenile entry. I wrote better stuff when I was in high school. I keep it on the blog to remind me to always try harder. -- Toney Atkins

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