From Somewhere In My Brain
(c) 2005 "I don't know of any other class of people that gets pushed outside," said the stranger, who paused as he started to open the door to the Waffle House, observing me as I lit a cigarette. "A lot of us are pretty nice people." The clean-cut, middle-aged man, with his long hair neatly bound with some kind of band, was friendly and chose to elaborate on the discrimination against smokers brought about by the passage of a Florida law forbidding smoking in restaurants, cocktail lounges that serve food, and other public places. I would be remiss if I attempted to quote him verbatim, but he realized he had an eager audience, so he expounded on his comment with suggestions about what he believes the government should do in taking further measures to prevent other hazards to the public. He agreed that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases in the body, but asked why only smokers have been singled out for their vice. Shouldn't bars be forbidden to serve alcohol, because not only does it cause cirosis of the liver, stomach ailments, high blood pressure and other woes, but many who imbibe alcoholic beverages drive under the influence and sometimes kill or injure themselves and others? Shouldn't grossly overweight people be banned from restaurants, because their obesity is a reflection of overindulgence of food and drink, bringing on high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke and other ailments? Is that a good example for other patrons, especially children? he asked. Shouldn't hypocrites be forbidden to belong to churches, because they don't practice what they preach and are bad examples of Christianity and therefore endanger the potential faith of others who come into contact with them?, his proclamation continued. Such is harmful to mental and spiritual health, he said. "A lot of us smokers are pretty nice people," the man repeated. "There ought to be a law." He said a few things more, but I must now stop writing this tome. I need to light up, pop open a can of beer and eat my footlong sub sandwich while I read my Bible. Peace. (c) 2005, Toney Atkins