Monday, April 8, 2013

ANNETTE, MY FIRST LOVE, PASSES AWAY...Toney Atkins remembrance

Disney child star Annette Funicello dies at age 70


Toney Atkins writes: I am in shock and mourning with the news of Annette Funicello's passing. Annette was my first dream girl, my first fantasy girlfriend, the girl who made me realize in my early adolescence that I was becoming a man. She changed the whole meaning of the "Mickey Mouse Club" for me, and my eyes were to become glued whenever she graced the television screen. That time of day was ours, and I loved it. Annette was the perfect representative of peaches and cream innocence accompanying an unmatched physical beauty. When her name was on the marquee for a Walt Disney movie, I would scramble to be first in line to buy a ticket, and the dates who accompanied me had no knowledge that my heart belonged not to them, but to Annette. Later, I would follow her into those ridiculously silly "Beach Party" movies, in which the idiotic plots didn't matter. Annette was there. She might not have had the greatest singing voice, but could have been the star of my karaoke shows in later years, with no doubt in my mind. Annette Funicello, you made my young life richer and bring warm, beautiful memories as I go into my golden years. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E, I sing, dedicating it with love to you, Annette.

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