Thursday, March 28, 2013

MARRIAGE EQUALITY? WARNING: Comment will offend some, if not many


Everything You Need To Know About The Marriage Equality Cases At The Supreme Court: pBeginning this morning, the Supreme Court will hear two cases that could recognize the right of everyone, straight or gay, to marry the person they love. The first concerns California’s anti-gay Proposition 8, and could potentially extend the right to marry to same-sex couples in all fifty states. The second challenges the federal Defense of [...]/p

Above post from The comment below is solely that of Toney Atkins and is not endorsed by

Toney Atkins comments: Why all the fuss about gay marriage? Back in the day, most heterosexuals fell in love, got married and stayed married, loving, honoring and obeying, till death did they part -- or so it appeared on the surface. Since the time that I was young, naïve and gullible, most of the straight folks I have known and to this day either just live together or actually do get married, stay together for awhile, then go on to what they think are "greener pastures," and divorce is a way of life. I know some people who have been married four or five times, and that is not an exaggeration. The kids often don't know who their real dad is, and some aren't really sure about mom. I don't remember too many single parents when I was a child. Christian preachers don't preach much about adultery, because they know they would lose a large part of their congregations if adultery was designated as great a "sin" as homosexuality, which is more common inside and outside the churches, even the evangelistic ones, as most would like to believe. So why marry, gay folks? Play around like the straight people do and don't worry about having to get a divorce when you get tired of your alleged "other half." At least, you're not being hypocritical.

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